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February 08, 2018

BOOM! It's landed

    BOOM! It's landed
    Trends may come and go or in ICONIC’s case glow…but there are some things we will never live without in our make-up bags and mascara is one of them. That’s why ICONIC’s founder Jade wanted to add a true icon to her collection, a mascara you just won’t want to live without. 
    When you’re working on creating an icon you stubble on the most fascinating facts…dolls you’re going to love these…



    Ancient Egyptians were the first to darken their eyes, they used kohl to create a mask like look to ward off evil spirits…and guess what the Spanish word for Mask is today…MASCARA!



    MASCARA as we know it today was first made in the 19th century by Eugene RIMMEL and around the same time in the US, Thomas Lyle Williams created a similar product for his sister

     MABEL…those names ring any bells!!






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